Planet Earth is the one and only home we have, Let’s treat it well…

Planet Earth is the one and only home we have, Let’s treat it well…

I’ve been always in love with nature. The positive vibes I take from nature and animals is beyond the word. But I am worried about our planet, animals, and natural resources. I am worried about the generations who come after us having nothing left from Universe-given...

Nature lover – A 50 year story

My appreciation of the animal world began with my father and mother who both grew up on farms. We’d visit my grandparents farm and my dad’s brother’s farms they had horses, cows, chickens and sheep. It was the best of times. Mom showed us how to feed baby sheep. Grow...
From Juancho to Ming-Ming: How Love for Animals Shaped My Life

From Juancho to Ming-Ming: How Love for Animals Shaped My Life

My appreciation for the natural world was inspired by my upbringing, particularly by my mother, who instilled in me a love for animals and nature from a young age. Even as a child, I’ve had a special place in my heart for animals. When my family got a dog named...

It is a Family Affair

From the moment my son was born he was fascinated with nature. As soon as he could walk he inspected dirt, grass, the sky and waterfronts for bugs, frogs, fish and birds. We would get to the end of the driveway and walk no further because ants were busily at work and...