Giving Toolkit

© Richard Barrett / WWF-UK

Your Giving Toolkit

A giant panda with a young cub in Shaanxi province, China.

Create Your Will for Free

A giant panda with a young cub in Shaanxi province, China.

Complimentary Planning Resources

Narwhals caress one another with their tusks in Nunavut, Canada.

Sample Bequest Language

Narwhals caress one another with their tusks in Nunavut, Canada.

Sample Beneficiary Designation

A tiger sits in a grassy field during golden hour.

Sample Codicil

Monarch butterfly perched atop a dandelion.

Gift Notification

Monarch butterfly perched atop a dandelion.

Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds

Two reindeer running through a meadow.

For Estate Executors and Advisors

Questions? I'm here to help.

Margot Johnson's headshot


Senior Manager, Legacy Giving

Phone: 1-800-267-2632 or 647-264-7165