Gifts That Benefit Your Loved Ones
You can make a gift that will protect the future of nature for generations to come and, at the same time, provide for your family and heirs.
A gift of life insurance lets you support WWF-Canada in a significant and meaningful way. By paying modest life insurance premiums today and naming WWF-Canada as a beneficiary, you can make an impactful gift that will demonstrate your commitment to conservation.
One way to leave this gift is to assign WWF-Canada as the beneficiary of your own policy or the life insurance policy from an employer. Your estate will receive a tax receipt equal to the direct benefit to WWF-Canada. In this way, you create your legacy and benefit your heirs through a significant tax reduction.
A second option is to purchase a new policy, name WWF-Canada as owner, and receive tax receipts, during your lifetime, for any premiums paid after the date of transfer.

Our Team is Here to Help!
Our experienced team is here to help you…
- Learn about special projects that align with your interests.
- Structure a donation that maximizes benefits for you and your loved ones.
- Stay up to date on how your gift is used.
- And more!
Complimentary Gift Planning Resources are Just a Click Away!
Gifts that cost you nothing now
Protect the future of nature with gifts in your Will and by bequest.
Gifts that benefit your loved ones
Provide for your family and heirs with a gift of life insurance.
Gifts that make an impact now
Safeguard wildlife with gifts in memory and tribute and gifts from donor-advised funds.