My story is simple. My life did not feel particularly fulfilling or happy. One year I was given a Point-and-Shoot camera. I was eager to try it out and decided to try taking a photo of a bee in flight. I thought that it wasn’t half bad. I decided to take a class. The instructor sent us out to try our best. He told me that I wouldn’t get anything with my cheap camera so I was delighted when others thought that I had a super shot and the instructor admitted that it was excellent. In fact, it was the only good shot! It was easy to find insects to photograph and I became enamored. I began to realize how beautiful and intricate they were and how important they are to our survival. I fell in love with these little animals that so many others dislike because they don’t understand them. I’ve learned so much and developed more of an appreciation for all animals but honestly, I think insects and other arthropods, rule the world. They are the most diverse and prolific. They have been around for over 300 million years (some much longer) and you can find them in every continent. They have amazing cultural systems and each knows their role. If man disappeared tomorrow, the insects would survive but if man destroys the insects, he would be doomed.