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I have always felt a connection to nature and both its flora and fauna species. I also believe it’s our responsibility and my own path to ensure its proper stewardship and assist in all that I can in its protection and preservation. I believe strongly in conservation practices and support a number of conservation non profits’s in addition to WWF Canada, like Nature Canada, Nature Conservancy of Canada, RBG, CPAWs, Eden Projects, Coral Restoration Foundation to mention a few. I have also taken steps to name WWF as a sole beneficiary in an investment to leave a lasting legacy that I contribute to monthly that will increase proportionately as my salary increases. It is my hope upon completion of my degree (Lifescience BsC at McMaster University-majoring in Biology, and minoring in streams of a few minors including Environmental Sciences) to assist in a career to help the environment in some capacity either with an npo, or in conservation. I am also aspiring to train as a Highschool Teacher to advocate pedagogy on the importance of harmony and connectedness of our youth with the natural environment, and to teach about science-based beneficial behaviours, actions and solutions that we can do to combat and overcome the climate crisis and ensure prevention of loss of biodiversity! Thank you WWF for all your great work!