From the moment my son was born he was fascinated with nature. As soon as he could walk he inspected dirt, grass, the sky and waterfronts for bugs, frogs, fish and birds. We would get to the end of the driveway and walk no further because ants were busily at work and he just had to watch. When we went to the library it wasn’t stories he checked out, it was animal encyclopedias. Today he has his PHD and completed his thesis on stickleback fish. He and his wife have passed this love of nature to their children. My daughter-in-law takes care of the environment by being very thoughtful of products she uses. She reuses items brilliantly. My daughter has instilled the responsibility of caring for nature in her children, especially her daughter. She has taught her kids the importance of reducing our footprint on this world. They walk where they can, they reuse what they can, they buy used items and recycle what they can. They waste very little. I grew up hearing that we were to care for animals and the world around us. My children have done even more than I could have imagined to support the world around them. If my great grandchildren step up, as my children and grandchildren have, then world will be in good hands.